Area Slunečná terasa is designated for residential complex. The total area is 1,5 hectare. We have been developing technical background for future development - connection to main access road, new roads in the area and buried services.
The new residential area will include 6 apartment buildings with 90 housing units, 2+kk, 2+1, 3+1 types, (30sqm - 72sqm), and also new playgrounds, new hard landscaping and sufficient number of parking spaces for the householders. There will be a grassed area, and a path to a new forest park near the apartment building.
3 terraced houses complexes will be build in the south part of the area.
In total 20 terraced houses will be build there, connected to the main roads in the residential area. The Residential area is connected to the main access road.
Property BD1 - BD6
New apartment buildings BD1-BD6 are laid out on the heel of slope that separates particular parts of the area. These new buildings are designed as four floor apartment buildings, with the total space of c.898sqm. Each apartment building offers housing units (- 2+kk - 30,9sqm, 2+1 - 44,0sqm and 3+1 - 72,2sqm). Sufficient number of parking spaces will be build along the roads inside the area.
Property RD1 - RD20
New terraced houses will be built in 3 complexes. Terraced houses are laid out vertically to the road inside the residential area. Lands to these houses are divided accordingly. Each house is a two-storey house, flooring 116sqm, build up area c.70sqm, parking space is included in the front garden. The total number of terraced houses will be 20. Housing estates are according to the location and shape 135sqm - 350sqm. Each housing estate will be fenced.